REVIEW: Prawn on the Lawn
It occurred to me recently that I have never stated prices or budgets for restaurants that I’ve written about. This is not an intentional disservice to the reader, I simply think it is a little tawdry to overcast the splendidness of a meal with a quotation. Much like when I go to meals en masse...

Epicurean Expeditions: from San Francisco to Austin
Although primarily to reconnect with family and friends, my other purpose to visit the United States was to explore further cuisines and navigate the restaurant and bar scenes. Aside from the travel itself, an integral part of the journey for me is what and where I feed. This break in routine is another opportunity to...

REVIEW: Sharing Mayfields Plates of Flavour
On a mid-week afternoon, with pre-booked table waiting, my friend and I sauntered towards Wilton Way which was bathed in an ethereal hue from the hazy sunlight. It provided a glorious spotlight which any new restaurant could but hope for when laying a proverbial red carpet for potential repeat customers testing their wares. However what...

REVIEW: A continued French love affair at Brawn
Hopefully the title does not mislead you into thinking I am about to embark on a story of salacious trysts from within this Columbia Road restaurant. How crass that would be. I simply mention my love affair français as it is an integral part of my culinary preferences, although I rarely get to indulge it due to...

The Eternal Education of Wine
So what do YOU know about wine? I do not ask which grape you have a preference for, whether you opt for an Italian over a New Zealander or even if you can be rather thrifty when browsing the aisles of your local supermarket. No, no, these are all factors of personal choice, not about...

In Defence of Beard to Tail
Since I have started blogging I have been inundated with recommendations and suggestions from friends and acquaintances of where to go and what to write about. As well as my own planned activities, you can imagine the difficulties one can experience when taking such suggestions into account, combining a fear of ‘missing out’ on good...

Blowing the trumpet for the Green Man and French Horn
Over 6000 restaurants exist in the Capital. Not particularly surprising for me when I read this in (yet another) harshly written review however the specified figure made my mind spin in terms of how does one possibly have the time to explore so much uncharted culinary territory? Location is a huge obstacle in this feat however the...

The Spanish come to Shoreditch
I love it when a new restaurant opens. Let me rephrase; I love it when a new restaurant is conceived. Much like the population growth, restaurants are following suit and the gestation period is becoming ever shorter in order to meet the demand of high competition in the culinary stakes. When SAF closed its doors...

Feed your ears, eyes and mouth at Trangallan
A long overdue reunion of friends was happily met with sunny skies one Wednesday afternoon in London. Damon & Michelle, two Texans I had the pleasure to make the acquaintance with back in Austin, had arrived in London in upbeat tempo. Regardless of over 30 hours lack of sleep (attributed to the excitement and unfortunate...