Hold Your Tongue & Keep it Calm
For as long as I can remember and at multiple moments in my life, I have always had a long line of people eager to instruct me on ‘what’ to do, how something ‘should’ be done and been dutifully chastised when something has not been up to par with their standards. I think I just...

Being a Tarantinophile – A Cinematic Obsession
I’ll always remember when we first met. The setting was the shabby living room of my friend’s house, cat hairs rolling like tumbleweed over carpeted floors, the stale scent of cigarettes clinging to soft furnishings due to the smoke curling through the air from the continual glow of her mother’s Silk Cut. 2 guys face...

A Prodigal Daughter’s Philippine Adventure
Six years since my last visit and a journey I do not intend to delay again, a reunion with my family was eagerly looked forward to. There are many perceptions of the Philippines with the principal ideas gained mainly by encounters with the people administering to your needs in hospitals, cleaning your houses and caring...