1. The result of a yearning for exploration, education and enlightenment of the world we live in 

2. an insatiable curiosity which lends itself to an actualisation of existence through communication to others in written form

February 2025
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February 2025
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Posts tagged "Food"
A Dive Bar of Creativity: 125 Church Street prepares for launch

A Dive Bar of Creativity: 125 Church Street prepares for launch

After the closure of a long-standing cocktail bar ‘White Rabbit’ in Stoke Newington (and not to be mistaken for it’s twin by name in Dalston, a recommended eatery which I wrote about during its advent), mutterings and shifty glances have been made whilst passing by the premises due to the masked windows covertly named ‘125...
A Romance Continued: Returning to New Orleans & Tasting the Deep South

A Romance Continued: Returning to New Orleans & Tasting the Deep South

It’s a beautiful thing to build a relationship with a City.  Guidebooks can offer up suggestions, multiple apps help seek out hidden gems and there are always online recommendations (incredibly useful when in dire need of feeding), however I always find my best experiences are gained by seeking out and conversing with the locals. The...
A Sense of Independence in Palawan

A Sense of Independence in Palawan

There is much to be said for a woman travelling alone in the world, in my case the Far Eastern side of the planet to the Philippines.  As a demi-Filipina, one might assume I have a distinct advantage in navigating around the 7000+ island culture, versus the typical ‘tourist’ trip and indeed, I have visited...
Soaking up New Orleans: My NOLA Inauguration

Soaking up New Orleans: My NOLA Inauguration

Aside from Austin, Texas and a weekend in Las Vegas, I have had no other experience of the US of A until recently, when the fine opportunity to celebrate New Year’s Eve in “N’awlins” presented itself. I am sure like many others before, I speculated upon what NOLA had to offer (NOLA is the informal...
REVIEW: Prawn on the Lawn

REVIEW: Prawn on the Lawn

It occurred to me recently that I have never stated prices or budgets for restaurants that I’ve written about.  This is not an intentional disservice to the reader, I simply think it is a little tawdry to overcast the splendidness of a meal with a quotation.  Much like when I go to meals en masse...
REVIEW: Sharing Mayfields Plates of Flavour

REVIEW: Sharing Mayfields Plates of Flavour

On a mid-week afternoon, with pre-booked table waiting, my friend and I sauntered towards Wilton Way which was bathed in an ethereal hue from the hazy sunlight.  It provided a glorious spotlight which any new restaurant could but hope for when laying a proverbial red carpet for potential repeat customers testing their wares.  However what...
REVIEW: A continued French love affair at Brawn

REVIEW: A continued French love affair at Brawn

Hopefully the title does not mislead you into thinking I am about to embark on a story of salacious trysts from within this Columbia Road restaurant.  How crass that would be.  I simply mention my love affair français as it is an integral part of my culinary preferences, although I rarely get to indulge it due to...
Eastbound Eats on an Easter Weekend

Eastbound Eats on an Easter Weekend

We are finally at a time in the year when bank holidays are rife and the promise of sunshine lures us into a (false) sense of security.  And for the traditional Monday to Friday worker, this provides us with ample time to freshen our pursuits and utilise this gift of additional non-working days by the...
Food Education with FEAST this Christmas

Food Education with FEAST this Christmas

I find that a lack of social interaction extremely debilitates the mind and spirit, so imagine my glee when I was able to alleviate these doldrums by combining two of my passions in one clean swoop on a chilly but gloriously sunshine-filled Sunday afternoon.  Food and good conversation were the stimuli of choice and the...
Baltic Offerings to revisit this Winter

Baltic Offerings to revisit this Winter

It occurred to me whilst perusing recent restaurant articles that there is a lot of information available to the reviewer (and reader) based on NEW openings and NEW places to “be” at.  I share the enthusiasm that abounds from the mere mention of a new eatery and there is an enormous amount of reassurance gained...
From Bean to Cup: where to get a GOOD Coffee in London

From Bean to Cup: where to get a GOOD Coffee in London

We all have preferences for caffeine and various elements influence our choice ranging from convenience to good fortune (lucky you should you reside within reach of an independent supplier). On various expeditions throughout the Capital I have sought out spots to record, as much as a reminder for myself as for your own knowledge.  This...
Hanoi cuisine to make your smile wider at Banh Mi11

Hanoi cuisine to make your smile wider at Banh Mi11

If there are support groups out there for Vietnamese food addiction then I am an unregistered member.  I adore the stuff.  Fresh summer rolls of vegetables, meat or fish rolled up in an envelope of rice paper; soothing, hot Pho that cures all ailments with slurp-up-sharp noodles or crunchy baguettes piled with slow roasted meats,...