Cocktails Ahoy!
Impromptu and spontaneous; somehow the best evenings of enlightenment come from the unplanned. It is with these circumstances that saw me enter an unassuming doorway, down the dimly lit stairs and into the realms of speakeasy-esque Nightjar, the much talked about cocktail and music spot in Old Street. It has already built a reputation of...

Feed your ears, eyes and mouth at Trangallan
A long overdue reunion of friends was happily met with sunny skies one Wednesday afternoon in London. Damon & Michelle, two Texans I had the pleasure to make the acquaintance with back in Austin, had arrived in London in upbeat tempo. Regardless of over 30 hours lack of sleep (attributed to the excitement and unfortunate...

Bring a good appetite to Budapest
I have been lucky enough to have enjoyed various home cooked Hungarian fodder in my lifetime; Pörkölt a delicious chicken ‘stew’ of sorts & an excellent cure for a poorly head; Leves (this just means ‘soup’ in Hungarian) in various guises as there be meat ones, bean ones, creamy ones etc etc… and the sweet tooth is...

Hunting down Hungary: Budapest Jewels
There are many clichéd impressions of Budapest; some are true and some are simply assumptions however tourist books aside, there is much to be discovered when journeying purely on foot. I do not shy away from public transport, on the contrary, the passenger function is clearly alleviated when the assistance of car, tram or bus...
Inequality: Our ‘true’ desire?
As I turn over half in slumber on another hazy Hungarian morning, my cousin’s girlfriend is already busily preparing breakfast, cleaning up some other area of the apartment and putting things in the order she prefers. My cousin, laying on their bed as I slip past into the bathroom is revelling in his horizontal position,...

To smoke or not to smoke: why the question?
For precisely half of my life, I have been what is classified on many a health questionnaire, insurance claim or other inane form-fillers as a ‘smoker’. The word evokes many an image, mainly dependent on the perspective taken. My initial and continued first thought is that of a sultry Mia Wallace, gently asking Vincent Vega...
Waiting for the Sun to sleep
As I wait for the moon to rise I contemplate the starry skies Mournful reminders of birth and death Shining brightly until the last breath Amidst the dark blanket of night I am comforted by this sight The luminous skin lays peace to the earth Unable to cast shadows on a man’s worth Every day...

Come and ‘ave a Butchers!
In contrast to a previous article, I now raise the subject of meat, namely the craft of Butchery. In keeping with our reflections to the past on this site, the butcher counter used to be highly valued outing and the only place to get your choice fowl or a tender t-bone to gnaw through at...

Street Food Fashionista at FEAST
Another summer and another Food Festival; aside from the Olympic screenings and ticketed attractions, there is much to tempt the tourist and local away from the Stratford end of London. This weekend (3-5 August) we saw FEAST excite The Quad, Guys Hospital in London Bridge; over 30 stalls of ingestive galore from a variety of well known restaurateurs, made...